Friday, December 21, 2007

Why Huckabee

I created this blog to talk about the visions of this country and the political reality. I am going to hop right into heavy politics.

I have been a "Keyester" for the last 8 years. He is a man with great ideas and I would be mesmerized by him time and time again whenever I heard him talk about his vision of America.

His explanation of the importance of respecting and protecting life from the time of conception moved me completely to the Pro-Life view. He has since moved me to the importance of the Fair Tax, the importance of following the Constitution's first Amendment that "Congress shall make no laws "Respecting" the Establishment of Religion of the Free exercise of..." and all the issues he talks about.

I was very excited that people of Iowa gave Amb. Keyes 14% of the vote in the 2000 Caucus. I believed that he had an important job to do in the campaign of 2000. That was to keep the conservative view fresh in the candidates minds. He did what he had to, he kept George W. Bush, who stayed closer to the Conservative vision from loosing to a very questionable vision of John McCain.

After that he came to Illinois to run against Barack after someone blindsided Jack Ryan over child custody papers. They were opened illegally and showed Mr. Ryan in a bad light. Mr. Ryan decided that it was not worth it and quit the race. Mr. Keyes must of viewed the race in Illinois as un-winnable and spent most of his time attacking Mr. Obama and trying to marginalize him for further advancement. This was my first issue with Mr. Keyes. I was expecting him to try and win, not attack Obama for 4 months for political reasons.

Come Aug. 2008 and I am looking for a candidate for President. I was looking at the candidates to see Newt.That looks good. He didn't run. Thompson is toying with joining the fray, but he is taking his time. The more I saw other candidates the more I liked Fred. In September, Fred decides to run. He has his first chance to get in a debate, which is where I hear their vision and how strong the visions are. This is why I vote for a candidate in the primaries. The debate is the Faith2Action debate and Fred and the other big three avoid like the plague. That told me all I needed to know about these candidates. This says they are afraid of conservative values. I did notice that Alan Keyes was joining the fray and joining this debate.

In the last few years I have noticed the that true conservatives (Christians) have been having to hold there noses when pulling the ballot leaver. The Senators are closer to RINOs then in line with the vision Ron Reagan had. House members are not far behind. With President Bush pushing more and more liberal things like open borders and with the Spending out of sight. I felt that the 2006 elections were more about Republicans ignoring the Conservative base then the Democrats winning. Sure we got a tax cut and revenues have exploded, but so has spending. We should of had a surplus by now with all the revenue that has been generated.

So I made a conscious decision that if Alan Keyes does (like he always did) show the same vision he always has and the viewers agreed, like always, I would support Amb. Keyes like I supported him in 2000 and 2004. I would talk to other conservatives and explain his vision and try and get him to the convention to express the conservative vision the way only he has been able to.

I saw the debate and was very surprised. Alan was his normal self, but he was not the one that caught my attention. Mike Huckabee was very good at expressing his vision and he did it with out the exuberant passion that Alan Keyes has. The only negative I see with the presentation of Amb. Keyes is that he seems to come of like a Baptist Minister. The former Baptist Minister came off with the same vision but he did not sound like one. Fair Tax, Pro-Life, Protecting the Constitution from the activist judges, these were all visions that both held. I now was torn between Gov. Huckabee and Amb. Keyes. After the poll after the debate showed that Gov. Huckabee had impressed more then just me.

I then decided to talk to other conservatives in my area that I respected. Neighbor said Huckabee was his choice at this time. My wife's Great-Uncle said Huckabee. Then finally I asked my pastor and he said that he liked Huckabee. Three for three told me that it was Huckabee that I was going to back this year unless there is something I did not know.

I Started by visiting the website and he was what I thought he was. Then came the Florida Values Debate that all the candidates were in. The day before each candidate gave a speech to the Conservative Christian group Value Voters. Mike Huckabee was given huge marks. Then the debate and he showed why he had won me over at the September 18th debate.

Since this day Gov. Huckabee has been attacked from every part of the Republican leadership. Every time he has been attacked he has shown that he is ready for the position of President. Plus he has tried to live by the Reagan motto of "Thou Shall not Attack a Fellow Republican".

I will try and keep you up to date with the attacks on Gov. Huckabee. I will do this with my view on his stand, old news articles that refute others views, and talking about the view I have on the coming race for the nomination and then the White House.

I have come to the conclusion that the establishment of the Republican party will not allow a conservative to win this nomination. it seems like the leadership likes our votes, but not our leadership. I believe that the election of 1976 is very close to today's election. Not the old "Jimmy Carter" comparison, but the anti-establishment run of Ronald Reagan.

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