Saturday, December 22, 2007

This is an Electoral Election not a National Election

I found a great webpage for looking at this coming election. is a website that just looks at the electoral numbers for the upcoming election. First thing you will see is Map of the US and each states' electorals. You can change the map between undecided, Republican and Democratic states. It also allows Maine and Nebraska's districts to vote differently. You know, 2 districts go Democratic and one district and the total state vote goes Republican. It lets you see what it will take for the Republicans to win in next November.

I believe that the country is still split into the same areas as in 2004 and 2000. set you up with the states that were 5% difference in vote set to the victor and leaves all the others undecided.

It is amazing at how strong President Bush was in most states he won. Of the 286 Electorals that he won by in 2004, 246 Electorals were won by more then 5% and 183 were won by 10%. Compared to 183 and 91 of the Democrats. That is also great news that 106 Electorals were decided by less then 5% of that states vote. Min., Wis., Mich., Iowa, Oh., and Pa. are all inplay. I will say in 2006 Michigan elected more Republican Representatives then Democratic and a very close race in 2004, Michigan has a very good chance to move to the Republican side. And who surging in Michigan? Florida should be a Republican state in 2008 with over 5% victory in 2004. And with 27 Electorals it will really be an important Republican state to win. Who is Surging in FL? And who is leading in Rammussen's head to head Poll against all the Democratic Candidates?

All this means is that with the right candidate the Republicans can win in 2008. That is even if Hillary is not the candidate. (I am so tempted to change my party so I can vote for Hillary in my Primary.) She is the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan. OK, not that great, but it would be a great thing to have her as the Democratic Nominee.

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